Easy Service Monitor
Easy Service Monitor is a system management tool that
allows you to continuously monitor multiple services
running on the Internet, service from yourself, or
someone else. It can notify you by predefined actions
when there are some kinds of errors happened, so you
can deal with them before problems get seriously out
of hand. Also a detailed log file will be written for
recording the fail connections and you can check it
whenever you want. Additionally Easy Service Monitor
allows monitoring of URL(s) to make sure that the
certain URL(s) are correct and have some text in it.
Easy Service Monitor also features in its ability to
monitor resource on your local machine, such as CPU
status, Memory usage, and free space on your hard disk.
Easy Service Monitor can let you custom your own
service. See custom service.
Easy Service Monitor can now monitor:
1. TCP services:
SMTP: Internet mail service for send mail
POP3: Internet mail service for receive mail
IMAP4: Internet mail service for receive mail
FTP: File transfer Protocol service
NNTP: Net News Transfer Protocol service
Telnet: Telnet service
2. UDP service:
DNS: Domain Name Service
3. Webpage services:
URL: Normal URL (Use Port 80)
HTTPS: Security URL (Use Port 443)
HTTP: HTTP port content
4. Database:
SQL Server
5. Local resource:
HardDisk: free disk space on your drivers
Memory: Memory usage
CPU: CPU usage
6. Ping service:
Ping: Ping monitor
Alert methods include:
1. Flash tray Icon
2. Play background sound
3. Run application or media files
4. Email Notification
5. Phone call