Investors Calculator
Investors Calculator. Provides comprehensive
calculations, projections and graphs for:
Investment gains - shows compounded growth of savings
applied to an investment.
Retirement income - shows how much income can be
withdrawn each month from your Investments.
Pension growth - shows the growth in capital in your
pension plan such as the 401(k).
Mortgage tables - shows how to save tens of thousands
of dollars over the life of your mortgage. All types
of payment, regular and accelerated.
Compound gain - shows capital gains in an investment
on a compound basis over the years.
Capital required - shows how much savings are
necessary on a monthly or annual basis to reach your
capital goal.
Investment manager - databases to record your
investment transactions, shows gain/loss in percent
or dollars.
Excellent On-Line Help guides you through each
program feature.
Changes: Added graphs and an Investment manager.