Just point PhotoLibrarian at your pictures on your
hard drive or removable media and watch it generate a
beautiful, professional quality web site for you. The
web site is complete with thumbnails, full navigation
capability and printable pages that scale to fit the
entire page! But it doesn't end there. You can specify
background colors, navigation colors, background
images, headers, footers and captions above, below or
around your images. The navigation on the web sites
created for you is so effective that many
PhotoLibrarian users use the program to create online
stores, or just regular web sites for their
businesses. You can get to any single photo in 3
clicks or less no matter how many photos you have in
your archive. The program comes with several examples
of how it can be used, and also a quick-start guide
(highly recommended) that shows you how to import the
sample photos included in PhotoLibrarian.