LOGPAL is a total vehicle management system for individuals and for business that does fleet management and travel logging for Tax purposes. The system is not just a data logging system but has a lot of vehicle management functions and even does your travel log for Tax purposes for a given tax year, it has a fuzzy logic travel generator that if you do not have all the travel information for that year it will generate travel information to get the split between private and business travel percentages accurate. It then generates a Travel report that can be included with your Tax return. You can register as many vehicles on the software as you want. All your expenses on your vehicle can be logged on the system to trace expenditure per event egg. tires, registration, loans, insurance, travel, driver expenses. The software has a fuel log where you log the fuel usage per vehicle per tax year and there is five graphical charts to show you the fuel statistics egg. Fuel efficiency, Fuel Usage Per Month and more. The software is parameter driven and you can change field descriptions like the "Tax Id Number" to the description used in you country. You can even change the heading on the travel report.