MetaTreeX Control
MetaTreeX is an ActiveX control that you can use in
your Visual Basic, C++, VBA and Delphi applications
to bring a revolutionary look and feel to your users!
MetaTreeX displays hierarchical information as a
graphs tree on an elliptical parabolic surface, which
allows the user to view all the selected information
at once rather than drilling down through folders.
The user can modify the display by expanding and
collapsing nodes, adding and deleting child nodes and
changing the display color of each node. A user can
drag the display to center on a desired node and can
select the desired node using the mouse. ActiveX
MetaTree edition can be used in any development
environment that supports ActiveX controls, such as
Visual Basic, VBA, Visual C++, etc. The ActiveX
edition is a full-featured copy of the Delphi
edition. The only difference is that ActiveX classes
have been renamed. The Delphi TMetaTree class
corresponds to the current ActiveX MetaTreeX class.
TMTNodes corresponds to MTItems while TMTNode
corresponds to MTItem. The control distribution
includes a sample application, MTDemo.exe, both as a
compiled executable and with sources. It shows the
basic usage of the MetaTree control.