newObjects ActiveX Pack1
Bundle of about 30 components: File, directory,
streams, storages access in unified manner -
text/binary/record based, universal collections -
organizing data in dictionaries and trees, script
hosting in other applications, unified configuration
and data management (incl. INI, Registry, streams
etc.) - similar to XML but more programming oriented,
COM threads/apartments - run threads from script apps,
ver. info, shell shortcuts etc
The ActiveX Pack1 offers wide range of features
bundled together to give the programmer as many non-
network oriented functionality as possible to pack in
single DLL compatible with all the Windows versions
for PC (can be used for network communications with
additional components). It can be used in various ways
and in different applications. The C++/Delphi/VB apps
can host scripts using the pack, scripting apps can
host other scripts, execute other scripts in threads
One of the most interesting set of components in the
pack is the Storeages and Files. It offers access to
files, directories, memory blocks, OLE files as like
they all are streams (file-like objects) or storages
(directory-like objects). Other - external
streams/storages (not integrated in the DLL) can be
wrapped too. Through these componsntes you can treat
the streams like text files, binary files or records
(like DBs) no matter what is the physical nature.
Script hosting: in a few simple steps the applications
can host external scripts extending their
functionality. This can be done even in other
scripting applications.
UDS (Unified Data Structures) allow the application
data structured in trees to be saved/read to/from
various formats/medias not bothering you with the
details. Like in XML you can transfer data between
applications in unified form but much more convenient
than the XML. UDS has strict types, can be saved in
human readable or in binary form (better for
transfers) etc.
To learn more download the package and check the NDL
library (docs).