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  Internet and Network Tools - Mail Tools - Anti-SPAM Tools

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  Spam Sorter  -  Version  1.3

Spam Sorter is a simple, easy to use anti-spam software and has powerful features to stop spam & viruses. Whether you simply want to get rid of spam with as little effort as possible, or want the power to fight back against spammers, Spam Sorter is the tool of choice. The standard filters were designed after careful analysis of thousands of spam messages. Rather than base its spam-detection logic on huge lists of (mostly non-existent) e-mail addresses, Spam Sorter looks at all parts of the message. This means that it does a better job. You can add a sender or special keywords to your friends list so that any messages that are sent from these addresses will be marked as Trusty Message by Spam Sorter to catch your attention, even if they contain something that would make them look like spam. This feature is also very useful if you subscribe to mailing lists. Spam Sorter is very quick since the entire e-mail message doesn't have to be downloaded to determine if the e-mail is junk. You can set Spam Sorter to check e-mail automatically in the background at a pre-determined interval. As you add and select new rules to filter out junk, Spam Sorter keeps a count of the number of hits a particular rule has matched. This allows you to fine- tune your selection rules. Spam Sorter allows you to add a sender or special keywords to your blocked senders list. Those messages sent by the blocked senders are marked as Spam. You can send complaints to administrators and any number of other users or send error messages to the senders of the messages. The program will tell you in plain English why a particular message is marked as spam. A particular message will be marked if it matches any of the rules. As you build more and more rules, it can get hard to keep track of the different reasons that Spam Sorter suspects a message of a spam. Spam Sorter will tell you why it marked the messages in plain English, allowing you to adjust your rules if necessary.

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