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  Multimedia and Graphics Tools - Graphics Tools - Graphics Viewers

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  CodedColor Imaging Pro  -  Version  3.2

A Shooting Star among image viewers, editors and web publishing tools! Merge the windows explorer with ACDSee, ThumbsPlus and Paintshop, and you get CodedColor, an intuitive and professional photo organizer, image viewer, graphics editor and web publishing tool with less than 4 MB download size! Export albums to HTML on the fly, view, edit and print photos from your digital camera. Order prints comfortably over the internet. Fast database with professional search dialog. CodedColor is the tool you where looking for to manage your growing archive of digital photos. Opens and converts all important image types: BMP, WMF, EMF, GIF, JPEG, TIFF, ICO, CUR, PCX, PNG, TGA, DIB, RLE, etc. Feature list: - album and catalog organizer - fullscreen and screenshow mode - photo editor with typical functions like: zoom, magic wand, crop, rotate, resize, brightness, color, sharpness, effects, etc. - compact XML and thumbnail database with keyword search - annotation editor with automatic broken link correction - Web album export with tree browser and automatic slideshow - multi TIF, animated GIF, AVI: extract, insert and delete single images - transform images to all filetypes, save with compression and filters - batch conversions - display and store EXIF andf IPTC information - compress albums to selfextracting archive - email photos and albums - order prints online - lossless JPEG rotation - red eye removal - TWAIN, screenshots - custom sorting etc.

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