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  Internet and Network Tools - Mail Tools - Anti-SPAM Tools

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  SpamSiteSmasher  -  Version  1

Spam site smasher is designed to filter out the e-mails you don't want, and most importantlyKEEP THE ONES YOU DO! most spam filters look for keywords to identify whats spam and what isn't, unfortunately spammers know this and simply hide or misspell words associated with spam. Instead of this hit and miss approach, Spam Site Smasher filters on the web site address that the spammers can't hide because they want you to click on them.Whenever a new web site is present in your e-mail, spam site smasher cross check it against known spammers in our online database. If the site is known to send spam, a new filter will be created and the spam will be filtered out.You can also manually enable or disable filters to fine tune what mail you receive, simply by selecting a recent e-mail from the list and editing the filters associated with it.Spam site smasher is incredibly simple to use, because all you ever need to do is select what are good or bad web sites. E-mails from your friends and family will always get through as they won't have links to your 'banned' addresses in them.

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