SecEx Secure Shell Client
SecEx is a network file manager and secure terminal
emulator that allows encrypted file transfer between
your PC and network servers running Secure Shell.
SecEx seamlessly interoperates with either SSH1 or
SSH2 servers on both Unix and Windows operating
systems. You can transfer files to and from remote
servers, view remote files, and execute remote files
on your local PC - using strong, industry standard
encryption. If you are a travelling executive who
wants to access files on a corporate server or a
system administrator maintaining a remote site, SecEx
is your complete remote file management solution.
SecEx automatically detects available carrier
protocols available on server systems. Newer SSH
servers tend to make SFTP (Secure FTP) available while
older secure shell implementations feature SCP (
Secure Copy Program). SecEx also shields against IP
and DNS spoofing by recording a server's public host
key. During subsequent connection attempts, the known
host key is compared to the host key offered by the