Homebrew Calculator
Homebrew Calculator lets you record your home brew
recipe information. Useful for novice through
advanced brewers, it calculates bitterness, color,
original gravity, and alcohol content. Compare your
recipe as you go to standard beer styles. Data
supplied for many ingredients (kits, extracts, hops,
etc.) lets you focus on the creative aspects of craft
brewing. Maintain (and print) a log of your recipes
along with detailed info on each recipe.
With Homebrew Calculator you can:
1) Record information about home brew recipes, either
while creating a recipe or recording the brewing
process (even competition scores!)
2) Record information about brewing ingredients. Then
they can be added to a recipe via a look up function
(quick and easy!)
3) Record information about the suppliers you
4) View a recipe log. Click on a recipe and see the
5) Print out your records; the log, a full recipe or
ingredients data.
6) Get brewing tips from an expert brew meister each
time you run Homebrew Calculator. Even more brewing
tips are in the online help file. Please use the
online help file for much more information.