Visual Paradigm Smart Development Environment (Visual Studio Edition)
Visual Paradigm Smart Development Environment Visual
Studio Edition (VP-SDE VS) is a full-featured visual
analysis, modeling extension for Microsoft Visual
Studio .NET. VP-SDE VS contains all UML diagrams and
model elements which allow you to model any
sophisticated systems. With the unique textual
analysis and use case modeling facility, you can
perform the requirement capturing and analysis tasks
VP-SDE VS allows you to generate your .NET source code
from the model directly, or reverse engineer your
existing code into the model for further enhancement.
The advanced diagram printing and documentation
generation facility helps you to create detail report
on your project.
With VP-SDE VS, experience both the user-friendly
environment brought from VP-UML, and the effortless
editing behavior while performing analysis, modeling,
implementation on the .NET environment.
+ UML Diagrams - Class, Object, Use Case,
Collaboration, Sequence, State, Activity, Component,
+ Use Case Description - use case scheduling, flow of
+ Textual Analysis - editing problem statement,
identifying candidate classes
+ CRC Cards - identifying classes, responsibilities
and collaborations
+ Business Workflow Diagram
+ Code generation - from models/diagrams to code
+ Code reverse engineering - from code to
+ Round-trip engineering - synchronizing code and
models/diagrams (automatically)
+ Automatic Diagram Layout - diagrams are arranged
+ OLE support - drawing UML diagrams in Microsoft
Word, PowerPoint, Excel and etc.
+ Report generation - generating documentation in HTML
or PDF format
+ Import - importing XMI, Rational Rose projects
+ Export - exporting diagrams to XMI
+ Online help
+ Online tutorial