Select longest valid words, to be replaced by the
incoming letters. Our logical funny games are made to
increases the player's intelligence's "muscles". The
player trains his brain and has fun too. Einstein's
intelligence is not impossible to achieve! The player
can have pleasure and test his vocabulary in the same
time. Pick-a-word is fun and relaxing for everybody.
You can select in every direction valid words. Pick-a-
word is similar to Pick-a-line and belongs to the
Tetris and Lines games family, but it is completely
different. The player can control his destiny in a
very clear manner and this make the game interesting
for everybody. The object of Pickaword is to select
valid words, aligned in a row. The letters must be
aligned vertically, horizontally or diagonally. When
you pick a word, the letters are replaced by the
incoming letters. You can use this to create the
words. The game ends when there is no place for the
incoming letters. The incoming letters are in number
of 3 for the beginners, 3-4 for the intermediates and
4 for the experts.