SpinGold Roulette Companion LITE
Roulette wagering and analysis software by SpinGold
revolutionizes the way you play roulette with your
favorite online casinos. Includes session number
recording, graphs, charts, strategies, tutorials and
in depth analysis. ODDS are now in your favor. At a
glance, see which numbers are hot, which are likely to
hit early, section and street ratios and more. No
other system like it on the market. Additionally, we
have collected a vast amount of information from
sources around the world relating to roulette and are
pleased to share this with our users. These items
include, but are not limited to, types of bets, odds
charts, loss recoveries, surviving the dry spells and
much, much more. There is no other system like it on
the market. Download now and try it free for 30 days.