1st Email Security
Did you know that when you send your emails, they do
not go directly to recipient mailboxes? Did you know
that your Internet Service Provider (ISP) stores all
your emails on its mail servers before it tries to
deliver them? Do you know that someday all the
information stored on the servers can be easily used
against you? Email Security is a system-tray local
SMTP server program that lets you send emails directly
from your PC to recipient mailboxes to ensure your
email security by bypassing your ISP's mail servers
where your relevant information can be stored and
viewed. Did you also know that when you send an email
message to a list of email addresses, the respondents
can see each other in the email message header? While
sending, Email Security always breaks emails addressed
to a group of people to individual messages to ensure
your security and security of your recipients. Also,
Email Security does not leave any traces on your PC
because it just gets your emails from your email
client and puts them in the recipient mailboxes at the
same time without making any temporarry files on your