Are you tired of waiting a long time for large
downloads, often having to restart from the beginning
if your connection is dropped? Have you ever
downloaded a file and then could not remember where
you saved it? Do you often feel like your Internet
connection is sluggish and not properly optimized?
TrueSpeed Download Manager is a tool to increase
download speeds (even on high speed lines) by up to
500%, resume and schedule downloads. Comprehensive
error recovery and resume capability will restart
broken or interrupted downloads due to lost
connections, network problems, computer shutdowns, or
unexpected power outages. A simple graphic user
interface and integration into Internet Explorer makes
it easy to use.
TrueSpeed Connection Optimizer is an easy to use
wizard thats accelerates your connection speed by up
to 300%, so web pages display faster and email, image,
music and video file downloads take much less time.
The default Windows systems settings are not
configured to transfer data at maximum speeds.
TrueSpeed Connection Optimizer changes Windows
modem/network settings to maximize the overall data
transfer efficiency of your current hardware so you
get more out of the system you have without investing
in costly new hardware or more expensive lines. It
optimizes the connection for modem, cable modem, DSL
and LAN lines.