Humor & Misc. Screensaver Maker
Create Screensavers. Included are numerous pre-created
humorous & other screensavers. Add Movies, Audio,
Animation, Fireworks, Snow, Rain, Glitter, Waves,
Lightning, Special Effects, and Scrolling Text
Messages. Also includes the Photo Album maker. Add
special effects, snow, and glitter. Turn your photos
into a stunning rippling lake, etc. Simple yet
flexible and powerful. Turn your screensaver into EXE
install file. Supports most media formats: mpeg, mpg,
avi, m1v, mp2, mpa, mpe, asf, wm, wma, wmd, wmv, mp3,
wav, au, aif, aifc, aiff, midi, mid, rmi, snd, asx,
wax, m3u, wpl, wvx, wmx, mov, and qt.