Windows Media Player Screensaver Maker
Create Windows Media Player Screensavers. Included are
numerous pre-created screensavers. Have you seen the
stunning visualizations that play along with your
songs in WMP 9? Now you can turn any of those 57
Windows Media Player Visualizations into stunning
screensavers. Turn your screensaver into EXE install
file. Options include auto song repeat, mute, song
selection from 30 media file formats, and selection
from 57 WMP Visualizations. Supports most media
formats: mpeg, mpg, avi, m1v, mp2, mpa, mpe, asf, wm,
wma, wmd, wmv, mp3, wav, au, aif, aifc, aiff, midi,
mid, rmi, snd, asx, wax, m3u, wpl, wvx, wmx, mov, and