Use your mouse in a way you never imagined.
After you install MouseMojo your mouse will turn into
a magic tool that you can use to accomplish many
different tasks.
MouseMojo will detect the direction in which you move
your mouse and sign your emails, open web pages,
documents, simulate key strokes.... All you have to do
is hold your right mouse button down and move your
MouseMojo will change the way you use your mouse.
Different applications can have different actions.
MouseMojo will automatically detect the application
you are currently using and execute the appropriate
action. Actions wizard makes it easy to get started
and create your custom actions for applications you
For example - after finishing your email - simply move
your mouse in one of the eight supported directions
and one of your signatures will be inserted. Do the
same in your browser and MouseMojo will navigate back,
forward or scroll up or down.
You could have an image of your real signature and
sign your documents and emails simply by moving your
mouse - just like you would if it was real paper.
The uses for MouseMojo are left to your imagination.
Anyone can use MouseMojo - hold the button down, move
your mouse - release the button and your predefined
action will be executed.