Karamasoft PanelSuite - ASP.NET Panel Server Control and Visual Designer
Karamasoft PanelSuite is a toolset to build your
ASP.NET panel in a matter of minutes. It includes
PanelBuilder, an ASP.NET application to design your
ASP.NET panel, and save as an XML file or into
database, and UltimatePanel, an ASP.NET server control
to generate your ASP.NET panel from an XML file, XML
string or dataset at runtime.
PanelSuite has a lot of powerful features such as
DataBinding, TreeView, ServerControl, Keyboard
Support, ShowHide, AutoGroupHeight, MultiGroupOpen,
GroupDrag, ClientPersistence, GroupSlip,
AutoFillFrame, AutoScroll, Frames, HighlightPath,
MultiLevel, AdjustHeightOnItemClick, Marquee,
HtmlContent, Absolute and Relative Positioning, URL
Navigation, Client-Side Events, Server-Side PostBack
and more.
Supports IE4+, NS6+ and Mozilla 1. Compatible with
ASP.NET Web Matrix and IBuySpy Portal Framework.