PDAPacMan Extreme (Updated)
PDAPacXtreme Version 1.2 is a suite of products which
contains the following programs:
- PacXtreme Game : Game
- PacXtreme Designer: Package’s World Designer (PC
- PacXtreme Register: Software register (PC Software)
Are you ready to experiment the most eXtreme version
of classic PacMan game? Do it right now!!!!
PacXtreme is an entertained and exciting game
with a beautiful display and sounds. In addition you
will get a great tool (PacXtreme Designer) to
design your own Worlds which could be shared
via Internet. PocketPC 2003 supported!!
Main features:
PacXtreme Game
- Move PacMan with the pen!
- Great display
- Complete display scroll
- User friendly interface
- Smooth motion
- Nice sounds (boat, owl, ocean, river, and more)
- Traps (lava, water)
- Flames, electricity
- Doors and key.
- Different Backgrounds
- A lot of wall tiles
- Transportation holes
- Stairs
- TopTen High Scores (per package)
- Extensive number of Worlds to play
- Customized by player
- Difficulty level (High, Medium, Low)
- Direction key
- Player name
- Speed (Fast, Medium, Slow)
- Package and World (level) selection
- Pause button
- Cookies counter
- Key counter
- Help option
- Easy Register Way
- Minimize button
PacXtreme Designer
PDAPacXtreme Designer is a drawing tool used to create
World Packages to be used by PDAPacXtreme game
on your PocketPC. The PDAPacXtreme Designer Workshop
has almost the same Paint Microsoft® program