Public Desktop
Public Desktop is a very simple yet extremely handy
remote desktop monitoring software utility that can be
a real lifesaver. Installing the software allows you
to view desktops of other computers that have Public
Desktop or let your PC monitor to be seen by others
real-time. The range of possible applications for
this utility is virtually unlimited. Working moms and
dads can use the program in the office to view what
their kids are doing with a computer at home to make
sure they don't play games for too long and don't view
adult sites or chat with strangers. Managers can use
Public Desktop as an effective enforcement mechanism
to eliminate excessive Internet use, playing games,
slacking or to stop any other PC use that violates
company policies. Simply getting the workers to know
that everything they do with their computers is being
monitored increases productivity significantly. This
utility can also be of great assistance to your IT
staff members, since they will be able to see what
that error message is or what the user is doing wrong,
instead of asking a person to describe the problem
over the phone or having to walk over to employee's
desk each time something happens. Finally, the
program can be used for distance learning as well.
The main advantage of the program over similar
applications is Public Desktop's ease of use and low
licensing costs. Really, what other remote monitoring
solution features a four-button interface that even 70
year-old people find uncomplicated? Installing,
setting up and deploying the program over the network
is done within minutes. Public Desktop's price is
only twenty dollars per single copy and steeply does
down as the number of licenses ordered increases. The
savings you generate by using Public Desktop in your
office will probably pay for the software within a
month or two. The program can be tried extensively
free of charge to make sure it is fully compatible
with your computer, firewall or network.