dfg ChessExpert XP
Chess software programs for playing chess are fun and
help you improve your chess game.
d.f.g ChessExpert XP is not just a chess playing
monster, it is a friendly chess partner for beginners
to professionals. Many of the world's strongest
players already use d.f.g ChessExpert XP as their
analytical partner. It is considered one of the most
reliable tactical programs around.
The operation is clear and simple, while at the same
time giving you a large number of options for computer
chess. d.f.g ChessExpert XP will look ahead 5 or 6
moves in about 15 seconds on an average PC. It uses
the standard minimax algorithm with alpha-beta
pruning. It uses a hashtable to minimize re-analysis
of positions.
It has attractive pieces and selectable bord styles.
It accepts moves made with the mouse, records every
move, you can scroll forward and backwards, undo, edit
the location of the pieces and save and restore games.
Optionally you can highlight pieces in danger, pause
the game and more ...
A complete description (tutorial) of Chess Rules &
Tournament Rules as well as Basic Strategies are
included in the d.f.g ChessExpert XP help. d.f.g
ChessExpert XP is a very powerfull chess playing and
training program. A MUST for anyone interested in
improving their chess skills.