ScreenDiscoverer is a reliable ever-useful tool for
zooming, color picking and screen capture. It allows
user to accomplish various tasks such as retrieving
the magnification scale of the objects, screenshot
making, choosing a color swatch from wherever you want
and displaying the color info in all possible color
formats. It enables you to handle the build-in
ColorPicker and Zooomer in the most convenient and
suitable way.
There are two modes that allow user to define zooming
space. You can select the area to be zoomed by
clicking on target button and placing the zoomer
pointer at the centre of the area you want to enlarge.
Auto defining is also available for area needed to be
magnified – through following the mouse pointer. The
selected area can be copied into clipboard being
enlarged or in its normal size “as it is”. Convenient
dynamic rulers allow easily to trace the cross-hair
absolute or relative location.
Capturing Capture option gives you an opportunity to
snap-shot both a part of the screen area defined by
user or selected window objects. The screenshot can be
either saved as a file or copied to the clipboard.
Autoname option is also available, so snap-shots will
be automatically saved in a folder defined by the user
as .bmp file named Image00001.bmp, Image00002.bmp and
further in the increment sequence.
Color picking.
Build-in ColorPicker performs color sampling from any
screen part, displaying the color info in HTML, HEX,
RGB, HSV and CMYK formats and copying it into
clipboard. There is also an opportunity to store up to
16 colors in color collection and send them directly
to Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and Corel Draw.