Integrates Schedules, Notes, and Contacts in one
versatile package. Multiple import/export, save and
print capabilities make Synconizer a straightforward,
fast and secure PIM. Synconizer features
sophisticated, and yet easy to manage Tasks, Notes,
and Contacts modules. User data is extremely easy to
Add, Edit, View, and Synchronize over the Internet.
Multiple views and reports are even included with the
program for your convenience. All data, stored in
Synconizer is safely protected, using high- level
encryption. Data interchange over the Internet is
password-protected as well to prevent any leaks. Using
Synconizer's ability to exchange data with other
copies of Synconizer over the Internet means that the
road warrior is no longer required to maintain his
data on his notebook computer. It can be accessed or
sent to any corporate or home-based installation of
Synconizer, as long as it's connected to the Internet.
Synconizer can also be used by a project manager to
distribute tasks among a small team, without requiring
interaction among the members. Synchronization makes
all recorded tasks immediately available to all
members of the team.