RollingHeads is a general purpose tool to find and
organize today's news. It's easy to use and will keep
you informed. You will have a clear view of all the
current topics in the news, be able to compare the
coverage of a story by hundreds of media organizations,
and follow a topic over time.
With an extensive list of news sources, RollingHeads
locates and organizes the major topics for the day. You
can drill into any topic for a complete list of
headlines in the last week or watch the latest
headlines for all topics as they are read.
The variety and depth of online news publications is
always changing. RollingHeads adds new sources
automatically as they are found, including news,
sports, politics, entertainment, blogs, and more.
Instead of trusting a single news source, you can
follow the discussion of a topic by hundreds of news
sources, from both domestic and international online