There are 18 programs in Camalot. They are: Oblique
Triangles, Right Triangles trig, Scallop Height,
Radius, Chord and Height, Weight of 276 Metal Alloys,
Bolt Circle Calculations for Equally Spaced Holes
from 2 thru 10,000 holes and Grid Patterns of
Holes,You can also copy the XY moves of the bolt
circle and grid pattern holes to the clipboard,
Conversion from Millimeters to Inches, Conversion
from Inches to Millimeters, Conversion from Decimal
Degrees to Degree, Minute and Seconds, Conversion
from Degree, Minute and Seconds to Decimal Degrees,
Circumference and Area of a Circle, Circular Length
of an Arc Based on Included Angle, Shrink Allowance
Calculations for Mold Makers and Machinists. Sharp
Corner Diameter,Inside Diameter, Chord Length and
Area of a Polygon. Speeds and Feeds Based on User
Input of Surface Feet per Minute, Cutter Diameter,
Chip Load per Flute and Number of Flutes (or Cutting
Edges). Drill charts and minor diameter for tapped
holes up to 1 1/2 inch and 39 mm. Calculate the gage
block dimension for angles using a sine bar. There is
ClipBoard Support.Trig made easy.