Hoo WinTail
Hoo WinTail is a real-time file viewing Windows
utility like the Unix tail -f utility. It can be used
to view the end of a growing file. It is ideal for
viewing application traces or server logs in real
time, as they are generated. Quickly viewing the last
part of a large file without the need to load the
entire file.
Hoo WinTail is a file viewer. It makes no changes to
the file that is opened. It opens the file in read-
only mode. As new lines are written to the file by
another program (such as would happen with a log file,
for example), Hoo WinTail reads the new lines and
displays them.
Hoo WinTail can read and display any text file. It
cannot support .doc files, .xls files, or other
proprietary formats.
Hoo WinTail can capture and display OutputDebugString
(Windows Debug API) and TRACE (MS Visual C++ Debug
Function) output as well.