Disk Performance Analyzer for Networks.
The Disk Performance Analyzer for Networks is a stand-
alone utility that detects and reports fragmentation-
related performance loss on networked systems. The
Performance Analyzer provided never before available
single-point analysis of systems requiring
defragmentation attention to achieve optimal
performance. With Disk Performance Analyzer for
Networks you can zero in on the machines that need
attention and handle them before they turn into a
helpdesk problem.
After installing and launching the utility, you are
presented with a list of computers on your domain(s)
available for analysis. Once you have selected target
computers, a small agent is temporarily copied to
these computers to begin an analysis. The agent
quickly and unobtrusively gathers disk fragmentation
information from the remote computers and reports this
data to the Disk Performance Analyzer for Networks
main console. The agent then completely removes itself
from remote client systems.
After collecting all the analysis data, Disk
Performance Analyzer for Networks will create and
present a comprehensive report showing the
fragmentation related performance degradation on
selected remote computers.