IT Monitor
IT Monitor is the leading solution for monitoring
every aspect of your LAN and WAN network. It
proactively manages your network servers, printers,
network devices, databases and applications; It
detects and corrects problems before network users
start complaining. The product is extremely scalable.
It's shipped with an impressive collection of pre-
defined, built-in monitoring functions;
When problems are detected, you're immediately
notified by network message, e-mail, or SMS message.
The product includes build-in monitor rules for: Disk
Drives, CPU Usage, Disk Spaces, FTP sites, HTTP(s)
(with content checking), ICMP/Ping, MS SQL Databases,
Novell NDS, NNTP news servers, NTDS (NT4 compatible
DS), NTP time servers, ODBC Databases, Oracle
Databases (SQLNet), POP3 Mail servers, Printers,
Processes, Services, SMTP Mail servers, SNMP, TCP
ports (with handshaking), UDP, URL,MS
Server,SUN Server