Canaware NetNotes - Web Page Saver/Captor
Canaware NetNotes, also known as web page saver, web
page captor, web page organizer, is a handy tool
which offers you the ability to capture your favorite
web pages and save them into your own knowledge
base.You can capture the whole web page or the
portion you like, such as image, specific paragraphs,
source code snippet in a web page by right-clicking
in Internet Explorer and the potential dangerous
scripts hidden in the web page will be removed
automatically.You can also download the targets of
the hyperlinks in the web page as the attachments to
the article, such as zipped source file, web page,
picture etc.Finally, you can categorize, organize,
view, edit, search, backup the aricles in the library
with a WYSIWYG article editor.