FastSum is an extremely fast utility for your files
integrity control. The high accuracy and speed attains
through the usage of a well-known and time-proved
cryptographic algorithm, as a matter of fact FastSum
is a Windows MD5 Checker. You do not have to be afraid
of these unintelligible words, all you have to know
is – how to run FastSum.
You can rectify the errors occurring while data
transfer. For example: Network transfers, CD-R and DVD
burning, software errors and much more. FastSum
calculates short and strong digests of your data via
MD5 algorithm to use it as references checksums for
ulterior data integrity verification.
FastSum is developed for easy processing of a huge
files count and has usable command-line interface. To
make the work easier FastSum MD5 utility for Windows
provides special filters, which allow selecting only
specific file types. It is an analogue of a famous
md5sum software for Unix platform, it is convenient
and powerful.
FastSum is also a reliable way to check the changes
within your data. It allows you to build a list of
altered files for review while demonstrating an
incredible speed of processing. Besides, this software
is Unicode, so there will not be any problems working
with files named in different languages.