Statistical analysis of experimental data. Elements of
artificial intellect in choosing of applicable
presentation schemes for given combination of numbers
of arguments and values with flexibility for user to
compare data with diverse of formulas.
Statistical schemes incorporate distribution of one
variable with comparison T and Poisson probability;
two arguments distribution with 3D presentation; curve
fitting with constructor like and user defined styles;
signal revealing with special emphasizing on
chromatogram case; 3D presentation of two arguments
values with plane and parabolic approximation; multi-
arguments approximation and near neighbors method.
Statistical analysis of experimental data.
Universal input of data copy/paste from spreadsheet
like MS Excel or Access; fields of database table;
text file, from image chart. A trial version permits
to handle no more then 10 records erasing all above
this number after reading to ensure user in
comparability the application with his data sources
and stimulate a registration.
The application automatically selects of applicable
presentation for given combination of numbers of
arguments and values with flexibility in choosing a
suitable interface to fit data with diverse of
Statistical schemes include:
creation of histograms of values distributions and
optionally display corresponding T- and Poisson curve;
curve fit with opportunity to use three different
interface to chose approximation formula
- from list predefined, constructor like, user free
style definition;
- surface fit with plane or paraboloid;
- signal recognition with chromatography emphasis;
- multiarguments approximation and near neighbor's
Results can be copy/paste as a bitmap or/and formulas
in MS Office applications, as well print out or saved
in files.