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  Productivity Tools - Time and Clock Tools

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  NucleoTime  -  Version  1.48

Most PC clocks show incorrect time. It may be off only by a few seconds or minutes. Some are off by hours. Few computers still live in the past century or in the future. What’s wrong with PC clock being wrong? Actually, a lot of things. Like problems with getting automatic updates for anti-virus software. Errors with time-dependent applications. Malfunctioning network PCs. Incorrect dates for e- mails written (may seem like a minor nuisance but it’s not). Enough with the problems, let’s get to solution. NucleoTime is a time synchronization utility, brainlessly simple, incredibly accurate and very good looking. The major difference between this application and other “time correctors” is that IT DOES NOT NEED TO BE CONFIGURED. The program uses only atomic time servers certified by the US Government. Your PC clock will use the same synchronization reference as NASA (Deep Space Network), US Department of Defense (US Naval Observatory), AOL and New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). Synchronization is done automatically, though manual synchronization is possible as well. Once the program is installed, your PC clock won’t ever be off by more than 20 milliseconds. NucleoTime can act as a time server as well. If you have several PCs connected to a single network, you can use the program to synchronize time on each PC in the entire network. Finally, the program comes with esthetically pleasing interface and neat looking clock models. In other words, it’s not an ordinary time synchronization software. NucleoTime is available for free download right now!

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