The reliable warden for your passwords!
Keywarden is an easy-to-use and highly secure password
manager which stores your different passwords,
login-information, credit card numbers and other
security related data in a clearly arranged place.
Keywarden optimally protects your data with the
generally accepted Blowfish encryption. As there is no
known way to break this encryption, not even an
intelligence service will be able to read your passwords.
Your advantage with this: You simply use a single
master password to access all your different passwords.
You only need to remember this single password!
The most important features at a glance:
* Security: Highly secure Blowfish encryption
* Easy to use: Customizable tree view,
password-generator, ...
* Platform independence: Runs on Windows, Linux,
Solaris, Mac OS, ...
* Mobility: Keywarden is always with you, e.g. on a