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  Multimedia and Graphics Tools - Graphics Tools - Graphics Editors

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  PhotoLine  -  Version  16.51

PhotoLine is an imaging processing software, image browser, layout program, vector editor, batchconverter and web editor with many functions. It is available as 32/64 bit application. The imaging functions fully supports Lab, CMYK, 16 bit per channel, ICC profiles and raw data of digital cameras. It offers all tools you need: Painting, cloning, filtering, blending and flood fill, special effects like squirl, shadow, glowing, distorb, morphing, 3d projection. Working layers, clipping layers, dynamic layer effects. EXIF digital camera data and IPTC data are supported. Multiple undo/redo levels, plugin filters and much more. Support for many picture formats. The image browser shows your image folders, you can copy, add/remove folders, show image information, ... Create empty sheets of paper, place your images, text, vector graphics on it. Great text functions like text flow along vector graphics, around or inside layers and from one page to another. Poster and Label printing. Save and read your PDF-files with PhotoLine. Create your vector graphics, add, remove, move vector points. Convert lines to beziers, fill with pattern, ... PhotoLine has an action recorder. You can record your jobs and use the batch converter to do this jobs on all images of a folder. Do all your work for the web with PhotoLine. Transparent and animated GIFs, animatimations, JPEG2000, HD-Photo, Flash format (swf). Create animated buttons, image maps, html overviews, ...

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