1st Desktop Guard
1st Desktop Guard lets you prevent your desktop icons
from getting rearranged, stop users from changing
desktop wallpaper and screen saver, secure your public
access computers, save, restore, manage and lock
desktop layouts. With personal computers becoming part
of our lives and everyone in the household using them,
it's hard to keep track of the icons that are located
on the desktop. Many times, you might want to arrange
them differently for different jobs. Moreover in case
the computer is located in a shared environment like
public library or university or internet cafe, a lot
of people can use it and rearrange the icons or change
the wallpaper. Many times icons get accidentally
deleted and it is no longer possible to restore. To
avoid this problem altogether, we created this
software that will help you tidy up your personal
desktop space. It will allow you to make your work
faster and easier, with a few easy steps and will rid
you of the hassles related to your desktop. You can
save and restore all the desktop icon positions and if
you or somebody else deletes an icon on the desktop,
the program will restore it. If the desktop wallpaper
has ever been changed, the program will restore it.
The software can run in automatic mode, so that
desktop is restored automatically. Multiple people can
enjoy the comfort of their customized desktop settings
without any problems. The program saves and restores
not only the position of each icon on the desktop, but
also the shortcuts themselves. Deleted icons will be
restored from program's repository so no need to worry
about lost or deleted icons anymore. You can assign
different privileges to different users and protect
the program with a password, so that only you could
login and change, save, restore or delete any layouts.
The program also saves the desktop image in its own
repository thus eliminating the need to change it back
after each person. This is especially useful for
public places where you need to keep desktop layo