An easy way for user's to report the problems they are facing, in their daily use of a computer. When a problem occurs, a user can search the built in knowledge base, to verify if there is not solution to is problem, before filing a report or contacting the technical staff. Technicians do not have to go back and forth between their desk and the users, to find out, the next problem they have to take care off. They have access to the Tech portion of BugTrack from any Pc that is hookup to the network. With the appropriate equipment (e.g.: laptop, modem) a technician in the field could easily contact is office, to connect with BugTrack. When a technician document how he as resolved a particular user problem, the report is linked with the user bug report, for future references. With the admin module, administrator can print statistical reports, about total number of bugs solved, total number of bugs remaining, And more. Those reports can be generated for any given period of time.