PHPRunner creates set of PHP pages to access and
modify MySQL database. Using generated PHP pages users
can search, sort, edit, delete, and add data into
database. PHPRunner is easy to learn, you can get
started in just 15 minutes. 21-Trial version
availiable. Easy to use wizard-like interface.
Generates pure PHP code. Numerous search modes. Add,
view, edit and delete pages. Creates password
protected PHP pages. Benefits of using PHPRunner are:
Can save you time and money. Improve functionality of
your web site. Create robust, easy to modify code.
Easy to use, you can generate your first PHP pages in
just fifteen minutes. No programming required. What
PHPRunner can do for me: Collect user's information.
Phone/address book. News articles. Products listing.
Web-based database searching & data entry. Web-based
reporting. Members only password protected web sites.