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  Mini Inventory  -  Version  4.2

A powerful easy and portable way to enter inventory information. Records name, date, time, quantity, multiplied and divided value total, serial #, note an optional color diagram, and location. A popup box can narrow the list down to specific locations. Now with the ability to barcode scan in data, beam, beam records, and a simple calculator to calculate additions/deductions. Great for business merchandise or home inventory for insurance reasons. Includes a free import/export data utility. Only takes 70k of memory. 2.0 remove splash/startup screen, add search/find function, now includes free utility to view/print reports on your PC, free utility to transfer data to/from your PC. 2.1 fixes a problem when an item is tapped on the list screen, it would go to an unregistered screen (even in the registered version). 3.0 barcode scanning capability, IR data beaming, sketch where the item is located (diagram), totals value, built-in calculator to make adjustments, cosmetic improvements. 4.0 added scrolling time and note fields, pen color selector, Palm OS 5 compatible, divide total in addition to multiplied total, picture note, and note that BlackBoard Software is doing business as LingleTech. 4.1 compatible with more Palm PDA models, added wide pen, erase with pen options in the diagram screen, free data import/export utility. 4.2 add new list screen, which shows item, serial number, and location with a location filter.

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