Advanced Windows Password Recovery
Advanced Windows Password Recovery (AWPR) is a program
to recover most types of Windows passwords: Windows
95/98/ME logon password (when user is logged on),
Windows NT4/2000 logon password (when user is logged
on and has Admin privileges), Windows
95/98/ME/NT4/2000/XP/2003 auto logon password, .NET
Passport password, Windows XP stored user passwords
(multiple credentials), screensaver password, RAS and
dial-up passwords, passwords to VPN (Virtual Private
Network) connections, passwords and access rights to
shared resources.
Other information that could be recovered by AWPR is
LSA Secrets; the program also allows to run any
programs in other user's context, show password
histrory hashes, read password hashes from SAM and
SYSTEM files, perform brute-force and dictionary
attacks on Windows 9x PWL files, and decrypt product
ID and CD key for Windows and Microsoft Office