ViPNet OFFICE is an IP VPN and it provides secure
client-to-client encryption so that mobile workers,
home workers, and remote offices can communicate
securely over the Internet with a staff at work
directly and central VPN gateway.
ViPNet OFFICE is designed as unique client-to-client
or client-to-site VPN software with build-in secure
business applications: encrypted Instant Messaging
(IM), encrypted file exchange, build-in mail system -
a stand-alone solution for a standard e-mail
environment to keep your Inbox 100% free-of-spam,
build-in personal firewall with IDS, tunnel securing
Internet traffic between your offices, online
visibility of vpn users and other features. ViPNet
OFFICE is an ideal product to create a private network
deployed in a public domain nevertheless absolute
privacy, security, and manageability to small and
medium size networks.
The ViPNet VPN OFFICE package presents the uniqueness
of ViPNet VPN technology, which is a true and flexible
client-to-client vpn. While all currently available