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  Internet and Network Tools - Mail Tools - Anti-SPAM Tools

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  Eliminate Spam!  -  Version  2.51

Flooded by spam? Save yourself from unwanted junk messages by installing Eliminate Spam! - the most powerful spam protector available today. Eliminate Spam! uses sophisticated customizable filters and checks each incoming e-mail against extensive database of known spammers. If an occasional junk message does sneak through the filters, in one click you can simultaneously trash the message, ban the sender or sender's domain, and report the spammer to the spam spam-prevention database so his messages would not reach other intended victims. Finally, you can fight back and help us drive spammers to bankruptcy and out of existence! To ensure that no valid email is removed, the software doesn’t apply filtering to emails coming from people in you Address Book, you customized Allowed Sender list, or from anyone you have e- mailed. You will be able to modify all filters, as well as your lists of allowed and banned senders and see the detailed reports. Best of all, the program is absolutely FREE. Download it now and enjoy spam-free communications!

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