Lattice.DataMapper is a tool that maps .NET objects
to and from an underlying relational database using
external XML configuration and mapping files. The
data access is externalized in XML and can include
both SQL queries and stored procedure calls. An API
is provided to then dynamically store and
retrieve .NET objects using the mapping definitions.
Lattice.DataMapper also includes an XML/XSLT template-
based tool for generating stored procedures, business
entities and mapping files that support MS SQL
Server, Oracle and IBM DB2 UDB.
The Lattice.DataMapper framework will help you to
significantly reduce the amount of .net code that you
normally need to access a relational database and
will save about 50% development time.
Lattice.DataMapper is easy to use and learn.
Simplicity is the biggest advantage of
Lattice.DataMapper over other frameworks and object
relational mapping tools.