Adaptive Mailing List
Adaptive Mailing List (AML for short) is a software
applicaton the task of which is to distribute email
messages among groups (a.k.a. Lists) of recipients. It
is created on Microsoft technology (Windows, .NET) in
order to be readily available to a majority of computer
users in the world.
Main Features:
Main features which separate AML from the generic
Mailing List programs are (the first 3 are crucial and
unique in the industry):
Security & Cryptography:
Using Digital Signature to prove the authenticity of
the sender separates an email sent by AML from the
spamming crowd.(Advanced antispam filters differentiate
according to Digital Signature.) Using encryption
serves the same purpose plus keeps the transmitted data
secret. (Encryption of outgoing messages in available
in the Secure Edition only.)
Adaptive delivery:
AML adapts to the life-rhytm of the recipient by
allowing them to specify how often they are willing to
receive messages from this mailing list. If messages
come at a lower frequency, they are delivered directly,
immediately; when frequency of messages rises they are
aggregated and sent in blocks, Also the recipient
decides how long messages and how large attachments
they will tolerate.
Zero duplicates:
If the same user should receive a message through
several Lists on the same AML server only one copy is
delivered. This makes it possible to send messages
across a selection of lists without angering recipients
by multiple copies of the same message.