PDF417 Barcode ActiveX Control. PDF417, or Portable D
ata File 417, is a two-dimensional stacked bar code sy
mbology capable of encoding over a kilobyte of data per
label. This is important for applications where a bar
code must be more than merely an identifier such as an
index to reference a database.
The "
portable data file" approach is well suited to applic
ations where it is impractical to store item informa
tion in a database or where the database is not accessib
le when and where the item's bar code is read. Because a
PDF417 symbol can store so much data, item data such
as the content of shipping manifest or equipment m
aintenance history can be carried on the item, withou
t requiring access to a remote database.
Our PDF417-A
ctiveX Control has all the features necessary to
easily add professional quality barcodes to any Windows
application including Web pages, database report
ing and labeling, product packaging, document trackin
g, postal bar coding and special purpose barcode l
abeling applications.
It is an extremel
y easy and powerful tool that will work flawlessly w