History Search
Practically everybody faced a situation when you have
to recollect the URL address of the site containing
the information you need right now. The only thing you
remember is some text extracts, broken phrases or
topic keywords. What can one do in such kind of
situation? Of cause, there are some things that can
work, for example, you can try to search the
information through the Internet Explorer's log of
recently visited web-sites. But it is quite a problem
when you have hundreds or even thousands of them!
IE History Search, a plug-in specially developed for
text information search in the browser cache, is sure
to help you. The principle of its work is as follows.
A new info panel where you can make your inquiry
appears in the Internet Explorer. The program works
like a search engine but it can search only the pages
stored in the browser's cache. The search time depends
on the cache size, intensity of work in the Internet
and your HDD size.
The search result is a list of links like the most
modern search engines (such as Google, Yahoo, MSN)
have. Click on the link and you will get the required
page opened (the local copy or the original one from
the Internet).