Filmshelf is a comprehensive solution to record,
organize and interact with all your DVD, video and
home movie collections. Use Filmshelf to organize your
DVDs, Videos, Home Movies, and any other kind of film
media storage that your film collections consist of.
With a powerful pre built database engine at its
heart, Filmshelf gives you complete control to
construct powerful and diverse search criteria, to
analyze and report on your movie collections. The
premiere release of Filmshelf provides the core
features for recording and interrogating your film
Catalog existing and future movies quickly and easily
from any source, including internet web pages.
Easily drag and drop or copy and paste images and
Create and manage multiple film libraries at the same
Extremely powerful database search queries.
Simple explorer like tree navigation of movie records.
Dynamically generated web based presentation of
Catalog your movies by index and location.
Display and print movie listings that match your
Easily switch between a large set of predefined views.
Switch and change the Filmshelf look and feel.
Simple maintenance of static data.
Scene indexing, ideal for home movie directors to
catalog their video material.
Movie libraries swap able across multiple operating
Supported on Windows, Mac and Linux.