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  Internet and Network Tools - Mail Tools - Anti-SPAM Tools

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  Open Sesame Spam Blocker  -  Version  1.0.0

Open Sesame Spam Blocker is a Windows software program that deletes any email in your Outlook or Outlook Express Inbox folder unless it meets at least one the following criteria: 1) The email comes from someone in a "white list" of senders created by you 2) The email comes from someone whose email address is in your address book 3) The subject line contains one of the passwords selected by you If the email does not pass any of these criteria, it is deleted (moved to the deleted folder). When the email is deleted, Open Sesame Spam Blocker can send an email (if you wish) telling the sender that the email has been deleted. If you wish, this email will give them the password that they need to include in the subject line in order to have Open Sesame Spam Blocker not delete the email. While it may seem strange to automatically send everyone who sends you a password that enables them to bypass Open Sesame Spam Blocker, there is actually a very logical reason for this. Almost all spam is sent out in bulk by computer programs. These programs ignore any replies. In fact, the return address is usually totally phony, so they never even see the reply. Therefore, these spam mailers do not read the return message and resend the email with the password. However, if the email was sent by a real live person (perhaps your long lost love who had tracked you down or an important business contact you forgot to put in the list of acceptable email addresses), that person will almost certainly resend the email with the password in the subject line. (Note: Open Sesame Spam Blocker does not work with America Online email or email that you read by going to a Web site, like Open Sesame Spam Blocker is especially useful for businesses that have a Web site with a "click here to send email" type link. You can have the link automatically add the password to the subject line by including code in the link that automatically creates the subject line.

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