SocketTools Secure Scripting Edition
SocketTools Secure Scripting Edition consists of
Component Object Model (COM) libraries designed for
use in scripting languages such as VBScript and
JavaScript. The components do not have the inherent
overhead of ActiveX controls and implement a
threading model for more efficient use with Active
Server Pages (ASP) and similar environments. This
edition includes support for the industry standard
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Security
Layer (TLS) protocols which are used to ensure that
data exchanged between the local system and a remote
host is secure and encrypted. The Secure Editions
implement the major secure protocols such as HTTP,
FTPS, SMTPS, POP3S, IMAPS and more. Your data is
protected by industrial strength 128-bit encryption,
with full support for client certificates. Using the
popular SocketWrench component that is part of
SocketTools, you can also write your own, custom
secure server applications. And there's no need for
you to understand the details of certificate
management, data encryption or how the security
protocols work. All it takes is a few lines of code
to enable the security features, and SocketTools
handles the rest!